Majority of voters plan to vote in-person this year despite pandemic, poll finds

A solid majority of registered U.S. voters plans to vote in-person during the presidential election this year, despite the ongoing pandemic that has kept Americans away from public place and larger gatherings, according to a new

Six out of every 10 voters plan to cast their ballots at a polling place in November, while 33% plan to vote by mail. Just 7% are undecided.

The interest in going to polling stations to cast a ballot comes even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues its course throughout the country, though daily new cases in the U.S. have been declining steadily for over a month.

“By way of comparison, roughly 21% of votes were cast by mail in 2016,” Rasmussen said. “Thus, the polling data suggests a very significant increase in voting by mail. However, most will still vote in person.”

Noting the partisan divide in responses, Rasmussen pointed out that “most Republicans (77%) and Independents (56%) plan to vote in person. However, Democrats are evenly divided – 46% say in person and 46% by mail.”