Because he still has breathing problems: Trump has to wear a special mask temporarily

Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2020

Donald Trump’s state of health has improved again, but the US President is still audibly short of breath. For this reason, Trump will have to wear a special mask for medical reasons in the coming weeks.

“It’s a custom-made product that helps the president breathe,” explains Trump’s personal physician Sean Conley. “The distinctive hiss you hear with every breath is the filtering function that ensures the President gets the best air quality.”

For medical reasons, the mask also covers Trump’s mouth. If he wants to speak to his surroundings, his voice is transmitted to the outside via a loudspeaker in the front of the mask. “Unfortunately that sounds a bit too deep at the moment, our technicians will still improve that,” says Conley.

However, some medical professionals fear that the mask could encourage hallucinations, fantasies of omnipotence and outbursts of violence in the wearer. According to research by the Washington Post, Trump is said to have strangled seven people since putting on the mask and ordered the complete destruction of the “democratic rebels”.

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