Pennsylvania Judge Sides With Trump Campaign, Throwing Out Ballots Missing ID Deadline

R&I – TxPat ***.


A hearing is scheduled for Friday to determine if “over thousands of ballots” missing crucial information were wrongly counted by election officials.

Boockvar’s wrongful guidance was issued shortly after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots in the state could be accepted up to three days after the election A lawsuit by the Trump Campaign challenging that ruling is pending petition in United States Supreme Court, claiming that the decision to allow mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day to be counted goes against state law.

Previously, Associate Justice Samuel Alito Jr. already granted the Republican Party of Pennsylvania’s request and temporarily ordered all counties segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after 8 p.m. on Election Day from others.

Election violations and voter fraud have been discovered in several key states including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan. Some of this fraud has allegedly concerned tens of thousands of votes.

David Adams

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