Road closures announced ahead of Trump caravan demonstration in DC

Approved ~ MJM

Police announced parking restrictions and potential road closures in D.C. in connection with demonstrations planned Saturday by supporters of President Donald Trump.

Who’s demonstrating?

Many of the groups appear to be planning the demonstration online, and the event has been referred to by different names.

DCist reports it has been called the Million MAGA March, the March for Trump, or Stop the Steal DC.

Info Wars’ Alex Jones announced Monday about a Stop the Steal Caravan that will go from Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and D.C. The caravan is expected to arrive in D.C. on Friday and meet up with Jones on Saturday.

Jones said his group will have a battle tank.

“We’re ready. We know what’s coming,” Jones said in his show.

Other groups reported showing up include Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Proud Boys, white nationalists and neo-Nazis, Politico reported.

WTOP national security correspondent J.J. Green has been monitoring the plans for the protest, and he said that while the rhetoric on social media is certainly very heated, some followers appear doubtful about coming to D.C.

“There are not a lot of people biting on this; there are a lot of people following them on social media. But there are a lot of people that are doubtful about the wisdom of coming here to do this,” Green said.

Federal, state and local law enforcement and organizations that have protested against Trump are monitoring the groups planning to converge in D.C. Saturday, and Green said something similar to the fatal clash between white nationalists and counterprotesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 is “not likely to happen” in D.C.

“In part because authorities here are so well-prepared and have that knowledge under their belt. And … you can’t carry guns in D.C. … I’m pretty sure that any organizers are making it very clear to people who come to D.C., ‘Do not bring a gun.’ Other weapons maybe, but it’s not likely that this is going to turn into that,” Green said.

In addition, Green said there’s going to be some resistance, as there are a lot of people already in D.C. who are celebrating the election.

In 2018, protesters outnumbered a group of white nationalists during the second Unite the Right Rally in D.C.
