Post-Trump, the need for fact checking isn’t going away

R&I ~ Løki

November 17, 2020

(CNN)This week, we ask the question: What comes next for America and disinformation? The past four years have seen an alarming erosion in the public trust in news, coupled with a spread of conspiracy theories, junk science and outright falsehoods by none other than the President of the United States. With a new president elected, how does Joe Biden help steer the country back toward facts, science and truth? SE Cupp talks to CNN Senior Political Analyst John Avlon about all this and more in our CNN Digital video discussion, but first Avlon tackles the future of fact checking in a CNN Opinion op-ed.

Fact checking has been a growth industry in the Trump era.

The sheer velocity of Donald Trump’s false and misleading statements — along with the proliferation of disinformation on social media — have demanded significant fact-checking to defend liberal democracy.
The market responded to the demand: According to the Duke Reporter’s Lab, global fact checking organizations grew from 145 in 2016 to 304 by mid-2020.

But will the need for fact checking lose its urgency when Trump leaves the White House?


Carl Sagan

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