McConnell sets stage for new face-off with Biden after delivering blow to Trump’s election fantasy

The Republican Senate majority leader chose Tuesday, the day after the Electoral College affirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, as the moment to pull the floor out from under the defeated President. He belatedly congratulated his old Senate colleague 38 days after his election victory that Trump still denies. Putting his authority on the line, McConnell also asked his Senate colleagues not to stage any stunts when Congress meets for a joint session to ratify the election on January 6, effectively crushing the President’s hopes of an 11th hour reprieve.

The Senate leader’s recognition of the election’s result sets up a dynamic between him and Biden that will be crucial and fascinating when they face one another from opposite ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. If McConnell clings to his majority after two run-off elections in Georgia in January, he will have a huge say in which of the new President’s Cabinet picks can win confirmation. Biden’s sweeping legislative plan could be under threat and nothing is going to have an easy passage through Congress if the current majority leader retains his current perch.

“Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden. The President-elect is no stranger to the Senate. He has devoted himself to public service for many years,” McConnell said, finally recognizing a reality cast in stone on November 3.
McConnell for the first time recognizes Biden as President-elect. But the Kentucky Republican’s move was not without risk. By defying the President, he risks igniting a long running feud with Trump, who appears to be planning to set himself up as the GOP leader in exile after January 20.


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