White conservatives are the worst kind of racist. These people are adamant that systemic racism isn’t a thing in America, they dismiss critical race theory out of hand, and, I swear, they all need to have “died wondering why everyone keeps playing the race card” inscribed on their tombstones—but none of that stops them from invoking race when it suits them.
While speaking with Sean “I don’t vet my info” Hannity on the Republican version of Comedy Central, Fox News, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul decided that the peak of Mt. Caucasity wasn’t a high enough reach and decided to reach all the way into the Heavens of Holy Hueless People in claiming—I shit you not—that President Joe Biden’s goal of increasing the national minimum wage means he hates Black teenagers.
From USA Today:
Speaking with conservative personality Sean Hannity Friday night, the Republican congressman repeated his claim that Biden’s goal of increasing the national minimum wage to $15 would cause 4 million people to lose their jobs.
“And the people who lose their jobs first when you hike up the minimum wage are Black teenagers,” Paul said. “So, you know, ‘why does Joe Biden hate Black teenagers’ should be the question. Why does Joe Biden want to destroy all these jobs?”
Paul’s claim about job loss is a distortion of the Congressional Budget Office’s median estimate, according to FactCheck.org at the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.
Paul said Friday “even the government says that nearly 4 million people will lose their jobs” after the minimum wage hike, but the claim is a reference to the high end of the budget office’s range of potential outcomes, according to FactCheck.org. The low end of the range was “about zero” jobs lost.
So, Paul not knowing what the fuck he’s talking about is news in the same way that “Donald Trump’s tanning process turns him a weird shade of orange” would be news—