Senate Democrats Vote to Give Taxpayer Money Handouts to Illegal Aliens

Senate Democrats have voted in favor of giving taxpayer-funded direct payments to illegal aliens.

On Thursday night, 42 Democrat senators indicated they supported sending tax dollar handouts to undocumented immigrants.

The vote came as the chamber waded through a lengthy process necessary to advance budget reconciliation measures.

Senators voiced their support during what has become known as a vote-a-rama, which follows a debate on a budget resolution measure.

During a vote-a-rama, senators can bring forward germane, but nonbinding, amendments that must be disposed of before the majority party can move forward with their resolution.

While the amendments do not alter underlying legislation, however, they can instead serve as a litmus test gauging for support of certain policies.

On Thursday, Republicans forced Democrats on the record about stimulus check eligibility.

Sens. Todd Young (R-IN) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) proposed an amendment that would prohibit any future economic impact payments from being sent to illegal aliens.

“The Biden administration shouldn’t reward illegal immigrants for breaking our laws by giving them checks,” Cotton said in a statement.