QAnon-Promoting 2020 Congressional Candidate Angela Stanton King Scheduled to Speak at CPAC 2021

Content warning: this post reports on dehumanizing language directed at trans people.

Angela Stanton King, a promoter of QAnon conspiracy theories and anti-LGBTQ bigotry, is scheduled to speak at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference on a Sunday afternoon panel shortly before former President Donald Trump speaks. Stanton King spoke at a “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, D.C. the night before the Capitol insurrection, where she praised Trump for standing up to demons and told the crowd Trump could still win because “God makes miraculous things happen.”

Stanton King is scheduled to be on a panel with other “new voices.” One of them, Young Pharaoh, was reportedly disinvited from CPAC on Monday after Media Matters reported on anti-Semitic statements he has made.

Stanton King was pardoned last March by Trump over a conviction related to her involvement with a car-theft ring. She ran for Congress later that year, declaring in July, “God sent me.” She also tweeted that month that she would be Kanye West’s running mate in 2024. Last August, she took a bigoted swipe at Kamala Harris’ husband, family, and heritage.

And she is stridently anti-LGBTQ. Last week she went on a diatribe involving her own child, tweeting, “Thinking about how I fought for my son & sacrificed to raise him. While his Dad was rotting in prison. Just for him to grow up and decide he wants to be a woman.”

“The enemy put his hands on the wrong seed,” she said in a separate tweet. “This is war.”