Ted Cruz Confirms The GOP’s Biggest Fear Is More Americans Voting

The number one goal of the GOP is voter suppression, with over 250 bills introduced in 43 states aimed at limiting voter rights and voter access.

Republicans know that the only three ways they can win elections are cheating, voter suppression, and instilling fear in their base. They tried their damndest at all three in November 2020, but Democrats managed to eke out wins in the Senate that finally gave us control of all 3 legislative bodies. But Republicans aren’t about to let that happen again, if they can help it. After Trump’s pathetic claims of Election Fraud — claims that are still going on to this day — the GOP plans to do everything in their power to suppress the vote of Democrats going forward. Their plans are intense and wide ranging, attacking voter access from all angles. 

AP News reports that there was an “invitation-only” call last week with Republican state lawmakers during which Ted Cruz said the quiet part out loud. A participant recorded the call and shared it with the AP. On it, Ted Cruz accused Democrats of trying to expand voting rights to allow “illegal aliens” and “child molesters” to vote.

He went on to say,“H.R. 1′s only objective is to ensure that Democrats can never again lose another election, that they will win and maintain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and of the state legislatures for the next century.”
