Biden Owns This Tragedy: Toddlers Dumped at Border Overnight in Blazing Hot Desert

Five little girls were crossed yesterday afternoon and dumped with no food, water..nothing. Jimmy found them this morning while on rounds. The adults in the video are our farm manager and his wife, who brought much need water and food.
This is happening everywhere!!!! Share, make calls, raise hell! Stop this inhumanity! This summer is going to be a killer for many! 110 degrees! Stop ! Stop this!

This is the trafficking of children that Biden has caused. It’s cruel and heartless to turn the other way and allow this to happen. The Biden administration stripped all of Trump’s progress and is now incentivizing people to try and cross our border.


Hobbs wrote: This is the face of the Biden Administration! This baby and four others under four years old dumped like trash by the river on our farm! All alone, all night, no food, no water, no adult..nothing…
Biden Administration Human Trafficking organization!