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Jesuits Bring Bible Burning to Protestant America!
The burning of Bibles conjures up the Medieval, Renaissance and Early-Modern periods of European history of the suppression of the Printing of Bibles (from the 1450s) in the vulgar tongues and the Reformation. An era that gave birth to the Society of Jesus (1540) also, known as the Jesuits. A religious order of the Catholic Church. Yet, those who follow Church history, the Jesuits were still burning Protestant Bibles in mid-19th-century America. This public burning of Bibles took place on October 27th 1842, at Champlain, then a village in upstate New York. Today Champlain is a town that straddles the Great Chazy River about a mile and a half from the Canadian border.
In the mid-1800s, a group of Jesuit missionaries crossed the Canadian border into the USA to do their evangelistic work amongst the Catholic of northern New York State. They had been directed by (Ignace Bourget, Bishop from 1840-76), the then Bishop of Montreal, who was himself ordered by his Pontiff (Gregory XVI (1831-46)). This probably the impetus that started the Anti-Catholic riots of 1840s America. https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_324746
There were several burnings of Bibles, but only one in public. That outraged the American Protestants at what they saw as an ungodly act by the Jesuits. Who claimed that they were destroying an inferior Englisce Bible to that of the Catholic Latin Bible. Agreeing with this Jesuit sentiment was an American Catholic Priest named Corry of Providence, R. I., who justified the Bible burning by alleging the unfaithfulness of the Protestant Bible version. [extracts from John Dowling (1846), History of Romanism, p. 613] The bkts ( ) are mine.
(The same Rev. John Corry also mentioned in this article about Providence, R. I. history of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul back in 1832. When a plot of land, bought by an intermediary for a Catholic missionary church.) https://www.providencecathedral.org/cathedral-history
‘The Jesuitical defenders of Rome, in accordance with their well-known principle of action that frauds are holy and lies are lawful, when told for the good of the church.’
—John Dowling, Bk. IX, Ch. 13, p.610, History of Romanism
A Rebuttal Against The Catholic Supposition of Unfaithfulness of The Protestant Bible
The NT Bible used today was adopted by Catholicism in the latter half of the 4th-century, the year 367 CE, to be more precise. Both Catholics and Protestants use the same NT with 27 books. Their only difference is in the Old Testament (OT). The Protestant OT has 39 books, and Catholic OT has an additional six more books. However, both differ from the original Hebrew OT, which has only 24 books, which shows that the early church took religious textual matters into its own hands. (The Protestants OT is the same as the Hebrew, but organised differently by dividings some books into two, such as I and II Samuel.
However, before 367 CE. The gospels were written and altered to suit the doctrines of a plethora of faiths professing to be Christian. From 380 CE when Catholicism became the established religion of the Western and Eastern Roman empire. All other Christian sects, as well as Pagan, were outlawed within the Roman empire. During this era, we see the counterfeiting of the scripture taking place to authenticate and mimic the doctrines of Rome. Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:1-8 and 1 John 5:7-8 are three of the most famous altered scriptures used to endorse Rome’s version. Which no doubt brought in many converts with these misleading works as proof. On Matthew 28:19, the vast consensus of biblical scholars attests that the earliest writings state that the baptism was done in the name of Jesus and not in the name of the son, the father, and the holy ghost. The same said for the gospels of Mark 16:1-8 and 1 John 5:7-8. Enlarged verses with Mark 16 having 12 additional verses added and 1 John 5: 7-8 enlarged by more than 50% of the original. Altered and done to authenticate Rome.
One must remember that the Jesuits were abolished from all European kingdoms and states and their colonies by the 1770s. Due to the Jesuits deadly assassinations and subversive activities. The Jesuits had long been notorious for attempting the lives of sovereigns, as is testified by the assassination of Henri III of France (1574-89) and William, Prince of Orange (aka William the Silent (1533-84)), as well as by the various unsuccessful plots against Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) and James I, of England (1603-25).
The Bourbon Kings of France (probably Louis XV (1715-74) and Louis XVI (1774-92)) had vetoed the previous Pope Clement XIII to suppress the Jesuit but failed. At length, by a bull of Pope Ganganelli, or Clement XIV (1769-74), dated July 21st 1773, the order of the Jesuits was entirely abolished it statutes annulled, and its members released from their vows.[extract from J.N.D Kelly (1986), Oxford Dictionary of Popes, p. 299] Bkts ( ) are mine.
Pope Clement XIV died in suspicious circumstances, said to of been poisoned. However, 40 years later, in 1814, Pope Pius VII restored the Society of Jesus to its previous provinces and began resuming their work in those countries and maintaining their Motto: “For the greater glory of God.”
The burning of the Englisce Bible by the Jesuits in America was primarily to destroy the Protestant Bible study groups. Who were freely giving Englisce Bibles to new converts, etc., and according to Protestant leaders at the time, it was the beginning of a Catholic coup d’état of American Protestantism? European Catholic emigres were arriving at about 100,000 a year in the time stated. 13 years after the publication of Dowling’s Opus (The History of Romanism), the western world was thrown into turmoil with the morally illegal act of ‘Pio Nono,’ the last Pope-king (1846-78). Who became known as the kidnapping Pontiff. This political storm went on for years and lost the Vatican’s impetus to make America a Catholic satellite state of Rome. The illegal kidnap of a 6-year-old Jewish boy named Edgardo Mortara from Bologna was the last straw for the western anti-Papacy world. The fallout lost Pio Nono his Papal kingdom in 1870 and was forsaken by his God in his hour of need when his allies deserted him. What do you say?
Jero Jones
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