Trump lost. Yet the 2020 election falsehoods live on in Arizona

Republicans in Arizona are still pushing the myth that President Joe Biden stole the 2020 election — a falsehood that ultimately culminated in the Jan. 6 violent attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The falsehood lives on in the review of about 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona, launched in April. A report on its findings is expected later this summer. Election experts, both Democrats and Republicans, have questioned the legality of the partisan-led ballot review and say it lacks transparency. They’re concerned that it could feed a new wave of misinformation about the election.

And yet, Republican politicians from more than a dozen other states have visited the Coliseum in Phoenix where the ballot inspection is underway — a sign that they may pursue similar ballot reviews elsewhere.

Tim Miller, former political director for Republican Voters Against Trump, called the audit a “circus” in an essay for The Bulwark. He warned that the audit, promoted by QAnon supporters, could conclude it was Trump who won and that “the former president and his MAGA media echo chamber will once again stoke the flames of insurrection.”

Local journalists in Arizona have been following the twists and turns of the audits. Here are some of the answers they’ve found for common questions, along with analysis from election experts.


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