Biden Lies, People Die: Gun Control Isn’t Going to Fix the BLM Crime Wave

The BLM crime wave is bad. It’s so bad that the issue is starting to show up in local elections. Like New York City’s mayoral race. Polls showing that growing numbers of voters are worried about crime.

The Biden administration used its media to hype some sort of plan to take on the crime wave. No one was too surprised when instead of dealing with crime, the White House pivoted back to the only crime issue that lefties still care about, gun control.

Gun control isn’t fixing this.

Biden and the Democrats refuse to address that because they’re responsible for this nightmare. Police defunding is just the tip of the iceberg. The massive jailbreak of criminals, ending bail, treating monsters like Saenz like a persecuted class, releasing criminals the day they’re arrested, and terrorizing the justice system is what did this.