BLM Crime Wave Killed 150 Americans Over 4th of July Weekend

With over 400 shootings, Biden’s America has claimed far more American lives in one weekend than Afghanistan has in years.

Biden boasts of pulling out of Afghanistan, but what the Democrats have really done is pull law enforcement and the justice system out of major cities in the name of social justice and equity.

The massive body count is the inevitable result of their efforts.

Crime is out of control. Horrific levels of violence are rushing across cities even as the Democrats howl for more police blood.

The 150 dead, like the thousands that have died as a result of the Black Lives Matter assault on law enforcement and the justice system are disproportionately black. But their lives don’t matter. George Floyd and assorted career criminals more than the children who were shot over the weekend by the Floyds who are still running loose.

Their blood is on the hands of BLM and their Democrat enablers.