‘Freedom-loving’ conservatives stoked latest round of infection and death

Conservative Republicans used to argue that government should only sparingly dictate practices to private companies; Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott are ignoring that philosophy. Republicans also used to argue that the government closest to the people governs best; their updated version adds the caveat: ‘unless local governments are run by liberals or minorities and the state government by Republicans.’

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alitolashed out at the social distancing, mask wearing and other COVID measures: “We have never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive and prolonged as those experienced  for most of 2020.” Of course, we actually have: rationing for food, gas and other resources during World War II; pervasive wage and price controls from 1971 to 1973.ADVERTISEMENT

In the main, this is more like falsely crying fire in a crowded theater — unacceptable as it endangers others. The unvaccinated and those who ignore social distancing and mask mandates are threatening others. The crowded theater term was used by High Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes a century ago; it was a bad decision, against draft protestors during World War, but a good metaphor.

Mandates are not uncommon in America.

Most every state requires drivers to have insurance. Vaccines have been mandated since the country’s inception; George Washington ordered his troops to be vaccinated for smallpox. Today, in every state, polio vaccines are required for elementary school children. If the current anti-vax right-wing social media and political echo chamber had been as robust in the 1950s during the Eisenhower administration when the polio vaccine came out, there would be a lot more iron lungs

There are a growing number of companies that are requiring employees to be vaccinated, except where prohibited by state law.

What are all those right-wing, chest-thumping anti-vax politicians, judges, think tanks and activists to do?
