Experts question decision not to name ISIS terrorists killed in Afghanistan drone strike

The failure of the Biden administration to name the two Islamic State terrorists killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan on Friday has led some experts to conclude they were not high-value targets.

In a press conference Saturday, Major Gen. William Taylor only referred to the dead targets as a “planner” and “facilitator,” and would not say if they played specific roles in the airport suicide attack Thursday that killed 13 American soldiers and 169 Afghans. Islamic State Khorasan, or ISIS-K, was behind the attack.

“Normally if they get a high-profile guy they like to name him,” retired US Army Lt. Col Brian F. Sullivan told The Post.

U.S. Army Maj. Gen. William Taylor, Joint Staff Operations, speaks about the situation in Afghanistan during a briefing at the Pentagon in Washington, Friday. (Associated Press)