Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan – who worked for Hillary during 2016 presidential race – tied to conspiracy to trick FBI into investigating Trump for Russian collusion

  • Sullivan was 2016  presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy advisor
  • He was referenced in an indictment that said he had knowledge of Clinton’s campaign working to unearth information on the alleged Alfa Bank scandal
  • Sullivan denied any knowledge of intelligence-gathering related to the scheme
  • If he is found to have lied under oath, he could be convicted of perjury and jailed 

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan might have lied under oath to investigators who were probing whether his former boss Hillary Clinton used federal agencies to smear Donald Trump as colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Sullivan – who served as Clinton’s chief foreign policy adviser during her failed presidential bid –  was identified by his campaign position in a grand jury indictment handed down last week against Michael A. Sussmann, a partner in a law firm that represented Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The criminal complaint alleged Sullivan was briefed about a mission to gather intelligence about Trump’s alleged ties with a Russian bank ahead of the election

If Sullivan is found to have lied to congress, he could be charged with a felony and be sentenced to up to 5 years imprisonment.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.