Lin Wood is trying to claw back the $2 million he raised for Kyle Rittenhouse’s bail

  • Kyle Rittenhouse’s former lawyer wants to take back $2 million raised for the teenager’s bail.
  • Lin Wood’s #FightBack Foundation filed a letter last week stating the money must eventually be returned.
  • Rittenhouse and his family have cut ties with Wood, the Foundation, and another former lawyer, John Pierce.

The right-wing lawyer and conspiracy theorist Lin Wood is seeking to take back $2 million his foundation raised from donors to post bail for Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager accused of shooting three people at Black Lives Matter protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, court documents show.

A September 17 letter said the funds to free Rittenhouse on bail had been provided by Wood’s #FightBack Foundation, and therefore must eventually be returned to the foundation.

The letter was signed by a lawyer, Xavier Solis, who said he was working on behalf of #FightBack. Wood and another conservative attorney, John Pierce, launched the foundation last year to support Rittenhouse, though the organization later pivoted to funding efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

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