Our brave new progressive world, from A to Woke

In his woke instruction manual “1984,” author George Orwell wrote about how important it is to control the dictionary. The one who controls the language controls the past, present and future. 

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it,” Orwell wrote.

Thanks for the great idea, Mr. Orwell! 

George Orwell might've been on to something when he wrote about "newspeak."
George Orwell might’ve been on to something when he wrote about “Newspeak.”
Photo by NurPhoto/Corbis via Getty Images

To that end, the staff of satire site The Babylon Bee has put together a glossary of all the words you’ll need to know if you want to sound smart while hanging out with your other woke friends. 

You’ll find it in their new book, out next week, called “The Babylon Bee Guide to Wokeness.” But you, lucky progressive, get an exclusive first look: 

Abolitionism — The noble movement to remove all police protection from urban communities and replace it with unarmed antiracist interpretive dancers. 

Ally — A straight white male who kills himself. 

The best way to be an ally.
The best way to be an ally.

Antiracism — The act of judging everyone by skin color in order to defeat racism. 

Antifascism — The act of beating people senseless with bike locks to defeat fascism. 

Antifascism in action.
Antifascism in action.

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