Inside Chris Christie’s breakup with Trump

Driving the news: “I tried to call him … to give him advice on what I thought he needed to be doing to stop the violence,” the former governor told me during our hourlong interview at his home in New Jersey. 

  • “I called Kellyanne Conway first. And I said to her: ‘Have you spoken to him?’ And she said she had not. And she said: ‘I think we both need to call him.’ And I said: ‘Absolutely.’ So I then called the president’s secretary … Couldn’t get through. I then called his body guy. Didn’t pick up. I then called the president’s cell phone, and he didn’t pick up.
  • But Christie was critical of Trump’s rejection of Mike Pence for not going along with lies about the election: “I think it was an awful act to a vice president who had been extraordinarily loyal, and a guy who deserved much better.
  • “If we waste our time as Republicans talking about an election that we lost, we are going to lose future elections,” he said.