Hunter gets the Hollywood treatment: British actor Laurence Fox plumbs the depths of Joe Biden’s son’s passions for drugs, prostitutes and painting

  • Pictures from the set of My Son Hunter exclusively shared with show British actor Laurence Fox portraying Hunter Biden passed out on the breast of a woman on set with white powder on his nose 
  • Another image shows Fox painting an abstract piece in a nod toward Biden’s recent artistic endeavors 
  • Questions emerged over Biden’s originals and prints selling for such high prices as an amateur first-time artist and whether the buyers are looking to gain influence over President Joe Biden
  • Fox tweeted an image of costar John James portraying President Joe Biden and said: ‘I love you dad’
  • An image of Fox smoking a cigarette likely references a series of compromising images of Biden released just weeks before the 2020 presidential election – many of which he was shirtless and smoking 

The first images of British actor Laurence Fox portraying Hunter Biden passed out on a woman with white powder on his nose from the upcoming film My Son Hunter have been revealed for the first time.

The photos showing Fox as President Biden’s son smoking a cigarette and indulging in his new favorite pastime, painting, have been exclusively obtained by from the set in Serbia before it wraps up production.

The scenes are in line with damning photos, emails and text messages from Hunter’s laptop that exposed his history of drug use and addiction and the thousands he blew on suspected prostitutes and hookers.

They also invoke Hunter’s past admission that he ‘spent more time on my hands and knees picking through rugs, smoking anything that even remotely resembled crack cocaine’ and ‘smoked more Parmesan cheese than anyone you know’.