Ashley Pratte Oates House’s Gosar censure vote tally says more about Republicans than Democrats

The GOP lawmakers willing to stand up to these disturbing narratives are few and far between. And their ranks are shrinking.

It’s easy to blame former President Donald Trump for the many problems with and within the Republican Party. But it’s also clear that the GOP’s embrace of racism, sexism and vigilante violence, not to mention its profound disrespect for our democracy, are flourishing with or without his support. The latest scandal embroiling Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., is a case in point.

This is far from the first time Gosar has shown an affinity for racist and violent rhetoric. Earlier this year, he was a speaker at a white nationalist conference and has indicated he supports their cause, “America First”. This isn’t about partisan games, it’s about a GOP chronically incapable and unwilling to condemn its own members’ blatant extremism, as well as showing its dark underbelly.

Republicans love to claim that they’re for transparency, accountability and the rule of law. But the truth is there’s been almost zero accountability for the political ringleaders of the insurrection. Ditto for those who have spread false claims about the events of that day. As his colleagues attacked him on the House floor, Gosar showed no remorse. “I reject the false narrative categorically,” he told his fellow lawmakers. This “false narrative” excuse is their latest flimsy ploy to defend the indefensible — including, now, the violent video distributed by Gosar. But there’s nothing confusing or unclear about a congressman tweeting a video in which he violently attacks his own colleague. And his lack of remorse indicates this problem could get worse, much worse.