Another month of failure on the southern border

Voters have not only noticed the dramatic increase in illegal immigration since Biden became president, but they blame Biden for the crisis, and they want it dealt with immediately.

According to the latest Harvard-Harris poll, 68% of voters believe the crisis at the southern border needs to be addressed immediately. And 65% of voters specifically blame Biden’s executive orders for increasing illegal immigration. Fifty-four percent say that Biden’s policies are “creating an open border.”

Unfortunately, voters will not get their wish. An overwhelming 71% of them believe migrants crossing the border illegally should be immediately returned to Mexico instead of being released into the U.S. But Mayorkas released a memo just last month instructing Customs and Border Protection to do the exact opposite — to keep catching and releasing illegal migrants into the U.S. as quickly as possible.

Asked by Senate Judiciary Republicans Tuesday how many COVID-positive illegal immigrants he had released into the U.S., Mayorkas said he didn’t know. Asked how many convicted criminals he had released into the U.S., Mayorkas said he didn’t know. Asked how many migrants had died trying to cross the southern border illegally, Mayorkas said he didn’t know.

The Biden administration’s immigration policies are harming people and adding to the humanitarian crisis at the border, and nobody charged with managing the situation seems to know any relevant facts.