Do We Have A Chinese Spy In The White House?

In the runup to the 2020 Presidential election news broke that Hunter Biden’s laptop had been abandoned at a repair shop and subsequently turned over to the FBI. Copies of the hard drive of the laptop began to circulate. The information on the laptop was explosive with the potential to derail Joe Biden’s campaign.

The lapdog corporate media swung into action. The laptop was branded a fake. Dutiful retired “intelligence officers” signed on to a carefully worded letter, which did not really say much of anything factual but suggested that the laptop was likely the creation of the Russians and constituted “disinformation.”

The story was buried. Most Americans probably went to the polls without ever having heard of it.

A year into Biden’s term in the White House the vow of silence is beginning to fade away. Led by the New York Post, which never backed off on the story, the media is beginning to slowly release the sordid details of what is on Hunter’s laptop. A twisted world of drugs, prostitutes, and obscene amounts of foreign money is beginning to emerge.

And, yet, still, the full impact of what is on the laptop somehow continues to be ignored. The ultimate question, one with implications for the entire world, remains unasked. Do we have a Chinese spy in the White House?


This is not a story about drugs, hookers, and Hunter Biden’s demons. This is a story about foreign “elite capture” operations reaching to the very highest level of the United States government. This is about finding an answer to questions whose answers are essential to the security of the republic.

Did the Chinese buy Joe Biden? Do we have a Chinese spy in the White House? If so, what is Joe doing on Beijing’s behalf today?