Arbitrator Reinstates Michigan Cop Who Pulled Gun on Black Teen Delivering Newspapers Because He ‘Learned His Lesson’ and the Firing Was ‘Undoubtedly’ Devastating

R&I – FS

A DeWitt police officer was reinstated less than a year after being fired for pulling his firearm out on a Black newspaper delivery driver outside his jurisdiction earlier this year.

Chad Vorce, an 18-year veteran of the department, has been allowed to return to the force after pulling a gun out twice on 19-year-old Alexander Hamilton, who was parked near Vorce’s DeWitt Township home in the predawn hours of Jan. 14.

The officer was reinstated by arbitrator Thomas Barnes, citing that while the cop’s action did affect the department, it wasn’t to the point that it “otherwise undermined or significantly impaired the otherwise good reputation of the department,” WLNS reported.

“Based on Grievant’s convincing testimony that he has learned his lesson; his genuine demonstration of remorse; the fact that he has taken corrective measures; along with the devastating effect this disciplinary action has undoubtedly had on his life, there is sufficient evidence that the Grievant has rehabilitated so that the city can operate with reasonable assurance that the conduct will not be repeated,” Barnes wrote.

However, the department officials beg to differ. In a statement to the outlet, they wrote that they were “extremely disappointed” in the choice to give Vorce back his job and stand by their decision to terminate the officer.

Still, the city said the arbitrator’s decisions are binding under the Michigan Uniform Arbitration Act and that the city must comply with the order



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