Guest view: A multiracial, multicultural America is not something to fear

 I agree with him that the autocratic impulses of Trumpism, the radical right and almost the entire Republican Party are driven by fear. Trump’s central slogan, “Make America Great Again,” is a coded promise to return America to the era of white supremacy, when white men (especially conservative, Christian ones) ruled the roost, and everyone else knew their place.

But even if returning to this time is a good idea (which it isn’t) Trump’s promise is a lie; there is no going back. Blacks are never again going to agree to being disenfranchised by slavery and segregation. Women are never again going to agree to having their lives limited to being wives and mothers, subservient to their husbands. Gays are never again going to agree to hide in the “closet,” fearing exposure and filled with self-loathing.

Demographic trends indicate that relatively soon America will become a nonwhite majority nation, even if Donald Trump somehow succeeds in building his Wall in a desperate attempt to keep out brown-skinned Latin American immigrants. Whether we like it or not, the future of America is multiracial and multicultural.