Nearly 100 people charged with murder are free to walk streets of Chicago thanks to woke bail reform: Judge REFUSES to jail suspects accused of violent crimes despite pleas from cops and the Mayor

  • 90 people charged with murder are on bail with in Cook County, Chicago 
  • 852 people charged with aggravated gun possession are also free 
  • They were granted bail with an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet thanks to sweeping 2017 reforms by Judge Timothy Evans
  • Since then, crime in Chicago has sky-rocketed and now 75 percent of people on electronic monitoring are violent criminals
  • Chicago PD last year arrested 133 people for violent crimes while they were on electronic monitoring 
  • Evans says that only three percent of suspects reoffend while on bail, which he thinks justifies the reform despite it still amounting to dozens of crimes  

Ninety people accused of murder are free on electronic monitoring ankles in Chicago thanks to woke bail reforms that have put scores of violent criminals back on the streets.

Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart revealed the numbers to CBS on Monday, along with his fears that it is making communities significantly less safe. 

Dart said that in his county alone, 90 people accused of murder are free along with 40 people charged with attempted murder and 852 people charged with aggravated gun possession. 

In the year 2021, Chicago Police Department arrested 133 people for a violent crime while they were on electronic monitoring – 1 percent of the total.