The Dumbest Biden

If you watched Joe Biden’s press conference this week, his first in one day shy of the number of years he’s been alive (78 days), you were likely not thrilled. When the best thing sycophants in the left-wing media can say about the event is “He stood for 2 hours!” you know it was more of a testament to the quality of his adult diaper than a declaration of a winning performance. But the truth is no one named Biden is capable of giving a winning performance. They are not smart people, and they are not good people.

The Biden myth – this idea that Joe is some average guy who found himself in politics, but never lost his “middle-class Joe” roots is a joke. Joe was never middle class. His family was wealthy until his father squandered the money. It seems no one with the name Biden was particularly bright.

The last time Joe “worked” an honest job for a living was when he said he really enjoyed young black kids petting his “hairy legs” and, allegedly, nearly rumbled with “Corn Pop.” There’s something sick about a person who feels that way about very young children petting them and something wrong with a person who feels the need to tell the story publicly. 

The only real question is who is the dumbest Biden? You probably think it’s Joe simply because you see so much of him, and each time he’s saying something false, stupid, or both (like claiming he was arrested marching for civil rights when we all know, and he’s publicly admitted multiple times, that he never marched for civil rights). But don’t underestimate Jill in this contest. She is epically dumb in her own right.

And they’re both, honestly, really bad people. Joe gets a tiny pass now because he’s senile on top of it – which leaves you wondering if some of the things he says are because he’s stupid or is it dementia? (or both) – but Jill is actively engaged in senior abuse by allowing Joe to be exploited how he is. You can’t expect someone insecure over how junk mail is addressed to give up the perks of living in the White House simply because her husband is suffering one public humiliation after another, can you?

When you have a hooker and stripper-banging, crack-smoking son in the family and there’s still a question over which member is the dumbest, you’ve stumbled onto a very “special” group of people. The Biden name is associated with a lot of arrests and abuses, so there isn’t really a winner in the bunch. Yet somehow, miraculously, they’ve managed to become fabulously wealthy with no discernable skills among them, except a willingness to exploit Joe’s position of public trust. 


In the end, it doesn’t really matter who the dumbest Biden is because ultimately the dumbest people around are those who voted for Joe.