Gerrymandering is putting US in Mad Max territory

The Supreme Court decisions, Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School, has pointed out, have put the United States in “Mad Max territory now; there are no rules.”

States in which one party controls the legislature are now using sophisticated software to design maps to predetermine the election outcomes in 2022 and beyond: by “packing” (concentrating voters — for example, an ethnic or racial group — in one district to reduce their impact elsewhere), “cracking” (spreading them among many districts to minimize their chances of electing the candidate they prefer) and “hijacking” (combining districts to force incumbents in the other party to run against each other).

Gerrymandering, to be sure, is as old as the United States. Both parties have used it. These days, however, the GOP is the principal perpetrator. Republicans in the U.S. Senate have filibustered legislation establishing minimum standards for federal elections. And gerrymandering has provided the GOP a net of at least 16 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives it would not otherwise hold.

Here are recent examples of the gerrymandering tsunami: