When unvaxxed Scott Quiner died of COVID he was not the only victim

News reports do not say whether or not the unvaccinated victim was an anti-vaxxer. But as his wife described him as a ‘strong Christian,’ and because she chose to give interviews with Glenn Beck and with conservative podcaster Stew Peters on Red Voice Media, it is safe to assume he was. 

She used these interviews to express disgust with her husband’s treatment at the Minnesota hospital. She claimed he had lost 30 pounds — and that, after he was transferred to Houston, a doctor there said he had never seen a worse case of malnutrition in a ventilated patient. But we only have her word for it, as there is no record of the Houston hospital offering an opinion.

Bearing all of this in mind, let’s ask, what were the costs of Quiner’s decision not to get vaccinated? Who else did his decision hurt?

As someone who chose not to vaccinate, it is unlikely he followed masking and distancing protocols. Who knows who he may have infected?

This tragic tale is a story of delusion from the get-go. First is the belief that Republican politicians, conservative pundits, and the denizens of internet conspiracy sites and paranoid chat rooms know more about medicine than doctors do. And then the conviction a hospital was lying about the prognosis of a terminally ill patient. And finally that another hospital could miraculously cure him.
