Wisconsin Republicans Passed a Bill That Allows Some Students to Bring Guns to School

Rather than trying to stem the violence, though, Wisconsin Republicans are making their state more dangerous. They recently passed a bill that would allow some 18-year-old high school students to carry guns on campus. 

Guns are banned in schools, but according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal, “one of the measures would do away with this convention. The bills would also allow Wisconsinites with concealed carry licenses to bring firearms into churches as well as permit out-of-staters with a concealed carry license to bring guns into the Badger State.”

Republican State Rep. Shae Sortwell opined, “If you’re old enough to fight for your country, [if] you’re old enough to sign contracts, if you’re old enough to decide who the president of the United States is, we think you’re old enough to be responsible with your rights and to be able to protect yourself.”