Biden voter ‘disgusted’ with the president, says Dem party has become ‘unrecognizable’

‘I am seeing the Democratic party, I’m seeing my party, headed into the wrong direction,’ said Carter

A Joe Biden voter explained why he became “disgusted” with the president’s administration and raised concerns about the direction the Democratic Party is headed. 

“A year in and I’m disgusted with them both. I’m disgusted with [Vice President] Kamala Harris and Joe Biden,” Isaiah Carter, a New York-based blue-collar worker and member of the Democratic Party, told Fox News.

Carter listed critical race theory and the Afghanistan withdrawal as key issues he has with Biden. He also faulted the president’s COVID-19 policies and his propagating of gender ideology issues, especially among school-age children, by the administration. 


“I donated to Biden … I supported Kamala Harris from day one … I even starred in Biden’s victory video ‘America the Beautiful,’” Carter said, referring to a post-election video on Biden’s YouTube page.

“I did more than I’ve ever done in my entire life for any candidate whatsoever, and I’m disgusted,” the 39-year-old Brooklynite said. 

Biden’s low approval rating has declined in recent weeks. A recent Gallup poll showed Biden at 40% approval, his lowest to date and down from 43% in December. 

“I don’t like critical race theory,” Carter, a Black man, told Fox News. “Critical race theory is a Trojan horse that has a lot of darker elements hiding inside.”

“I don’t like the idea of kids – Black kids, White kids, whatever – separated by race and then made to feel like one group is oppressed and the other group is not,” he continued.

On Afghanistan, Carter said, “I’m not upset that we left, I’m upset about how we left.” 

He said Biden didn’t do enough to secure U.S. property, troops and its allies.   

“The video of refugees dropping from C-17s to their deaths will haunt this presidency and will haunt this country for decades to come,” he said.