Biden’s Illegal Immigration Pandemic

President Biden has repeatedly said that there is a COVID-19 pandemic of the unvaccinated. If Biden truly believes what he is saying, then why is his administration allowing so many illegal immigrants to enter and stay in the United States without at least checking for proof of vaccination, as required by U.S. immigration law? The answer is that Biden will say and do anything to placate his leftwing progressive base. He is turning the United States into a sanctuary country for many illegal immigrants.

The Biden administration is not only allowing unvaccinated illegal immigrants to remain in the country. These open border social justice warriors have also exempted many illegal immigrants from the Transportation Security Agency’s (TSA) government photo ID rules for commercial airline travel. American citizens and legal residents have to show TSA a government-issued photo ID such as a valid passport to board a commercial aircraft, but illegal immigrants get to skip this anti-terrorist security precaution.

It has been just recently reported that illegal immigrants can even use a ‘Warrant for Arrest of Alien’ or a ‘Warrant of Removal/Deportation’ as their form of identification. The only airplanes that illegal immigrants with these IDs should be able to board are the planes taking them back to their home countries.

“We are abandoning every single security norm we learned after 9/11 just to move illegal aliens through the country,” said Mark Morgan, the acting commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency under former President Donald Trump. Mr. Morgan had previously served as chief of U.S. Border Patrol and acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement under former President Barack Obama.

In short, thanks to President Biden’s open border policies, there is an illegal immigration pandemic that he has let loose in the United States. Many of the illegal immigrants who have been admitted into the country and then released on Biden’s watch are also likely contributing to Biden’s self-declared “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” At the same time, they will be eligible to receive taxpayer funded legal assistance and are able to board planes without standard government-provided photo IDs, courtesy of the Biden administration.

In one short year, President Biden’s lax open border immigration policies have turned the United States into a huge magnet for illegal immigrants. And they keep coming and coming with no end in sight.