Supreme Court can end racial preferences with Harvard and UNC admissions cases

R&I – FS

By taking up two cases on affirmative action – one against Harvard College, the other against the University of North Carolina – the Supreme Court has given itself the chance to correct the great wrong of using racial preferences to select winners and losers. This comes not a minute too soon, as the Biden administration has introduced color-consciousness into all manner of policymaking.

Ironically, these racial preference cases will be heard in the court’s next term by, among others, an associate justice who will have been picked primarily by virtue of her race and sex. President Biden has promised he will nominate only a Black female judge to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer.

This aggressive acceleration of race-consciousness, a betrayal of the ideals of the Civil Rights Act, has been a hallmark of the Biden administration. And since the use of race to dole out benefits began with college admissions right after passage of the act, it is only fitting for the court to stop it where it began.

It’s been well over 44 years, and we still haven’t gotten “beyond racism.” To the contrary, racism is having a field day under this administration – despite the clear example set by Asians that the way to close the disparity gap is to embrace habits that lead to success, and the fact that large numbers of Americans (73%) reject the use of racial preferences in college admissions, as evidenced by a 2019 Pew Research Center survey. Indeed, institutional racism continues to creep into higher education through efforts disguised as “diversity,” “equity” or “inclusion.”


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