A group is putting up billboards calling out anti-Semitism in Florida

Last weekend, Nazi demonstrations took place in Orlando, and the week prior, hundreds of flyers with anti-Semitic language were distributed in various South Florida neighborhoods. From 2019 to 2020, Florida also saw a 40% rise in harassment and vandalism, with 91 incidents reported in 2019 and 127 reported the following year, according to a report from the ADL. 

Gottesman said there is a lot of work to be done to stop acts of hate against Jewish people. “There’s a lot of ways to stem bad things from happening — there’s education, podcasts, articles and books — and they’re all important,” Gottesman told CNN. “To fight hate, we need a lot of tools in our tool belt and our awareness campaign is one really important tool.” 

One bright pink and white billboard read, “We’re just 75 years since the gas chambers. So no, a billboard calling out Jew hate isn’t an overreaction.” Another, “Does your church need armed guards? Cause our synagogue does.”
