The Real Insurrection: The BLM Riots


Rots? What riots? Insurrection in American cities in 2020? Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Thus it is with the Stalinesque show trial that is the January 6 Committee. As my colleague Melissa Mackenzie illustrated yesterday, “the Democrats are running their committee like a criminal trial.” It is indeed blatantly unconstitutional and no one is attempting to stop them. Why?

What is particularly telling about the hysteria over January 6 is that infinitely worse riots took place across America in 2020 — a series of genuine and decidedly violent insurrections in the name of Black Lives Matter — and there is nary an investigation in sight.

So as January 6 of 2022 is upon us, let’s do a little compare and contrast as the hysteria about January 6, 2021, is whipped up in the liberal media.

There were five deaths in the Capitol riot. One, Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman, was shot to death by a Capitol police officer. The other four deaths included three who died of natural causes and one from a drug overdose. One of the fatalities, whose death was ruled as from natural causes, was a Capitol Hill police officer. Altogether there were 138 police officers injured, 73 of them from the Capitol Hill Police and 65 from Washington D.C.’s Metropolitan Police.

According to the Major Cities Chiefs Association, 574 riots took place across America between May 25 and July 31 of 2020 after the death of George Floyd. The report states that “more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty.” Say again, not 138 injured police officers but more than 2,000 police officers were injured — and not a blink from the January 6 Committee.