What The Hell Are The Wingers On About Now With John Durham?

Ughhhhhhh, fine. Let’s talk about the latest filing by Special Counsel John Durham, since the wingers are soiling their Underoos over it, certain that, at long last, they will be able to prove that THE BITCH SET HIM UP!

Here on Planet Earth, this storyline is bound to crash and burn, not just because it’s bullshit, but because it’s more complicated than a Pepe Silvia stringboard. You need to have a fairly decent understanding of how internet security works to understand what they’re getting at. And if you do, you understand immediately that there was no “hack” at all.

The New Thing They’re Caterwauling About

As part of that work, Durham alleges, Elias met with Joffe and Sussman to massage the Alfa Bank allegations prior to a February 9, 2017, meeting Elias had with the CIA. As national security guru Marcy Wheeler points out â€” God bless this person for explaining this shit to us! — Sussman was never charged with lying to the CIA, and the five-year statute of limitations just expired re: this meeting. Nevertheless Durham uses the specter of “conflicts” between Elias, Sussman, and Perkins Coie to suggest there was something hinky about that meeting.

And a suggestion is all these filthy liars need.

Rodney Joffe had legitimate access to the data that showed possible contacts between Trump and Russia at a time when he was publicly asking Vladimir Putin to go steal Hillary Clinton’s emails. (“Russia, if you’re listening …”)

The only campaign that was spied on was Hillary Clinton’s, which got hacked and saw its internal communications weaponized by Trump surrogates like Roger Stone and Steve Bannon. 

Trump’s campaign met with a Russian agent promising dirt on Hillary Clinton (“If it’s what you say, I love it!) 

Clinton never paid Rodney Joffe — in fact Joffe paid Sussman for his services. Literally no one in DC was ignorant of Sussman or Perkins Coie’s connection to the Clintons and the DNC. Jim Baker doesn’t remember what happened in the meeting, and his deputy’s notes are probably hearsay anyway.

It’s smoke and mirrors.
