Black Lives Matter Media Darling Who Allegedly Shot Politician Campaigned Against Gun Violence

R&I – TxPAT ***

Brown was arrested in Louisville yesterday with a 9mm pistol and several magazines following the attempted murder of Democrat mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg at his campaign headquarters.

The suspect’s bail was set at $100,000 dollars and was almost immediately paid by BLM front group Louisville Community Bail Fund to secure the alleged gunman’s release.

The 21-year-old student activist was named as a “rising face” by Barack Obama’s foundation in 2019 and previously featured as a venerated BLM speaker on numerous mainstream news outlets, including the BBC.

As a result of him making several appearances on the network, Guido Fawkes described Brown as the BBC’s “go-to US Black Lives Matter activist.”

Brown was also an ardent gun control campaigner and repeatedly spoke out against gun violence.

Greenberg described what happened during the harrowing attack on Monday.

“We asked if we could help him. And he pulled out a gun, aimed it directly at me and opened fire,” he told CNN. “I was fortunate that one of my brave teammates slammed the door shut. They were able to throw some desks on top of the door and the suspect fled.”

“Despite one bullet coming so close that it grazed my sweater and my shirt, no one was physically harmed,” he added.

The entire story once against illustrates how Black Lives Matter is a violent extremist group which attracts people like Brown on a routine basis.


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