Mayoral Candidate Targeted By Accused BLM Shooter Speaks Out After Suspect Made Bail

Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg voiced his opposition to Black Lives Matter activist Quintez Brown, who is accused of attempting to shoot Greenberg last week, of being bailed out of jail only two days after the attempted shooting.

The Black Lives Matter Louisville chapter said on Wednesday they were in the process of getting a cashier’s check to post Brown’s $100,000 bail. The money used to bail Brown came from the Louisville Community Bail Fund.

“Our criminal justice system is clearly broken. It’s nearly impossible to believe that someone can attempt murder on Monday and walk out of jail on Wednesday. If someone is struggling with a mental illness and is in custody, they should be evaluated and treated in custody. We must work together to fix this system,” Greenberg said in a statement. “Sadly, like others who suffer from a broken system, my team and family have been traumatized again by this news.”

Greenberg added gun violence is “unacceptable under any circumstances for any reason anywhere” and that the system must be fixed so everyone can focus on preventing violent crime.