Nobody is buying the Biden Democrats’ excuse for inflation

In order to hide the shortcomings of socialism and of their own economic management, Soviet authorities routinely blamed “saboteurs” or “wreckers” for their nation’s economic problems. In the Stalin era, such bogus sabotage accusations earned lengthy sentences in the GULAG prison system.

Inflation was one of the constant problems for which scapegoats had to be found, as Soviet authorities were constantly causing inflation. They didn’t exactly have a sophisticated understanding of economics. And so, in order to keep workers placated, they kept raising their pay (which the government controlled), even though there was pretty much nothing available to purchase with the extra money. Hence, inflation.

Unfortunately, a lot of Democrats do not seem to have learned from that chapter of history, if they are even aware of it.

The Biden administration will not be sending anyone to prison camps, thank goodness. But it is trying to scapegoat private companies for its own mismanagement of the currency.

Biden and other Democrats claim that the nation’s raging inflation problem is somehow the fault of the very companies being squeezed hardest by Bidenflation. As in the Soviet era, the motives of these would-be saboteurs are indiscernible, except insofar as they might be trying to make a certain incompetent and unpopular president look bad.

Of course, Biden doesn’t actually believe that greedy corporations are causing inflation, nor do his advisers — some of whom, to their credit, are pushing back and removing this economically illiterate nonsense from officials’ planned congressional testimony. Nor does Biden’s communications team believe any of this, nor do any of the Democratic politicians, such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who mindlessly parrot this talking point. Who knew that these insincere charlatans would say things just because they think you are dumb enough to believe them — even though their own polling should have told them otherwise?