@HouseGOP Graphic Shows the Toll Inflation Has Taken Since President Biden Took Office

A graphic tweeted by @HouseGOP illustrates the effect of high inflation during President Joe Biden’s tenure.…

Bidenomics: Rising gas prices are 45% pricier under Joe Biden

American drivers pay 45 percent more to fuel their daily commutes since President Joe Biden ascended…

Prices Are Up 17.6% Since Joe Biden-flation Took Office

Let’s go, Brandon! A recent estimate puts the price increase since Joe Biden took office at…

Eric Schmitt Calls Out All Of Biden Admin’s Failures, Calls Them ‘A Disaster For The American People’

Senator Eric Schmitt (R-MO) recently took the Senate floor to outline what he perceives as the…

“Our Country Cannot Continue To Accept This Level Of Failure” Senator Shelley Moore Capito Unleashes Critique of Bidenomics

In a recent address on the Senate floor, Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) aimed at what…

CBS: Americans need an extra $11,400 just to afford the basics compared to 2021

Guys, I don’t know if the Democrats know this, but most of us don’t just have…

The Biden Admin Has Overcounted New Jobs Almost Every Single Month This Year

The Biden administration has revised down previously reported jobs data for nearly every month this year,…

Is Biden’s “America First” a Joke? – The Average Joe Takes a Backseat – Poverty Rates Soar, Wages Dip, and Inflation Skyrockets!

President Joe Biden has achieved an unfortunate milestone by pushing the poverty rate in America to…

How low can Biden’s approval rating go?

Of course, many issues factor into Biden’s fall in popularity: the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Russia’s invasion of…

Inflation Jump Highlights Biden’s Vulnerability on Energy

Inflation has blipped back up to nibble at Americans’ budgets and patience. While the rise is…

Inflation accelerated in August to 3.7% as consumer prices heat up again

Inflation accelerated for a second straight month in August, reversing previous declines as consumers continued to…

Economic Expert: ‘Transitory’ Inflation Enters 31st Month, and It’s Not Going Away

“Our income is falling even as the thieves who took away our prosperity continue to masquerade…