GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson stands by calls for Biden, 79, to take a cognitive test during the Ukraine crisis because the ‘whole world’ watching him speak

  • Representative Ronny Jackson is doubling-down on his claims that Joe Biden, 79, is not fit for office amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis 
  • The former White House physician said: ‘Every time he gets up and talks … it’s not just the American people that are watching him speak, it’s the whole world’
  • ‘He’s not cognitively the same as he used to be and, in my mind, not fit to be our president right now,’ he  said of Biden  
  • A poll last week shows that 66% of likely voters want to see Biden take a cognitive test and release the results to prove he is mentally fit for office
  • 43% of Democrats feel the same and 86% of Republicans 
  • Same poll shows that 56% of Americans are ‘not very confident’ or ‘not at all confident’ that Biden is fit for office – only 27% of are ‘very confident’
  • Comes after a group of 38 House Republicans sent a letter to Biden urging him to take a cognitive test

Former White House physician and current Texas Republican Congressman Ronny Jackson doubled-down Wednesday on his repeated claims that Joe Biden is ‘not fit to be our president right now.’

Jackson told Fox News in a phone interview: ‘The whole country is seeing his mental cognitive issues on display for over a year now, and there’s really no question in most people’s minds that there’s something going on with him.’

‘He’s not cognitively the same as he used to be and, in my mind, not fit to be our president right now,’ he added of the 79-year-old White House occupant.

The increased criticism comes amid the Ukraine-Russia crisis and as politicians slam Biden for not doing enough in response to President Vladimir Putin‘s disregard for U.S. warning in going ahead with invading Ukraine. Biden issued sanctions on the two new regions in Eastern Ukraine that Putin declared Moscow now recognizes as independent states and also announced punishment on Russian banks and elites.

But some feel this still isn’t tough enough and that Biden looks weak on the world stage with continued gaffes and slip ups in speech.

‘Every time he gets up and talks to the American people, it’s not just the American people that are watching him speak, it’s the whole world, and that’s part of what the problem is here,’ Representative Jackson said.

He added: ‘[Biden] looks tired, he looks weak, he looks confused, he’s incoherent, and it sends a message of weakness all over the world, and they’re seizing up on that.’



Only 27 percent of Thursday’s poll respondents are ‘very confident’ that Biden is fit for the office of the presidency and 15 percent are ‘somewhat confident.’ On the other hand, 11 percent are ‘not very confident’ in his fitness for office and another 45 percent are ‘not at all confident.’

Sixty-three percent of likely voters said Biden’s mentally decline has become more apparent in the last two years – one of which he was running for president and another he was already in office.

The survey was conducted February 13-14 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.