ABC’s Jon Karl: “If You Look at the Numbers, Inflation Really Started to Rise Almost Exactly When Biden Came in the White House”

ABC’s Jon Karl on Sunday pushed back on the Democrat-media complex’s talking points and said that Joe Biden’s policies led to high inflation rates and record gas prices.

According to a new ABC/Ipsos poll, 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of gas prices and 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation.

Joe Biden has blamed high inflation rates on Covid, Putin and Wall Street bankers.

The overwhelming majority of Americans aren’t buying Biden’s lies.

Jon Karl and other pundits on ABC on Sunday said Biden and the Democrats are to blame for high inflation and record gas prices.

“If you look at the numbers, inflation really started to rise almost exactly when Biden came in the White House,” Jon Karl said. “Look at the chart on gas prices since February…it is a shocking increase.”

“We are at 7.9% inflation and in the week that is announced, Congress passes another $1.5 trillion tranche of spending…[Democrats] are now adding to the deficit in these first 5 months of the year $3 billion a year and debt service now consumes $1.2 million a minute – that’s $20,000 per second.. so, stop!” George Will said on Democrats’ reckless spending.