A 12-year-old was killed by police, but he’s white so no protests or riots

Thomas Siderio Jr., 12, was shot and killed by Philadelphia police on March 2. According to reports, he was fleeing police when he was shot in the back. Typically, such a story would be front-page news. There would be national outrage, widespread media coverage, protests, and riots. Except, in this case, the 12-year-old victim was white.

Because of Siderio’s race — most people shot by the police are white, by the way — you most likely haven’t heard about this incident. Thomas Siderio Jr. will not be a nationally recognized name. Such is the case anytime there are white victims of police shootings. If the truth were reported, it would shatter the fallacy that blacks are the victims of a systemically racist, white supremacist U.S. police force.

Approximately twice as many white people are killed by police each year than black people — armed and unarmed. Can you name even one of the white decedents? For example, you’ve heard of George Floyd, but you probably never heard of Tony Timpa. The unarmed white victims of police shootings, such as Thomas Siderio, don’t provide any fuel for the Democratic faux outrage machine. They don’t get body camera footage shown on news networks throughout the country. Their deaths are usually ignored by Democrats, the Left, and their accomplices in the media.

Furthermore, compare Siderio’s death to the police shooting of Walter Wallace, a black man killed by police in Philadelphia in October 2020 after attacking them with a weapon. Police killed Wallace after they responded to a call about a domestic disturbance. Wallace exited his house carrying a knife and walked toward the police officers who arrived at the scene. As Wallace approached, the police officers kept backing away, pleading for him to drop his weapon — but he refused. Police eventually fired at Wallace and killed him. The incident made national news and led to protests, rioting, and looting in Philadelphia. Yet, in Siderio’s case, a 12-year-old boy being shot, there was no such outrage.

The racial inconsistencies do not just end there. A Google search for Wallace’s incident will show his race is listed in many headlines and all news stories. However, a Google search for Siderio will only reveal headlines about a 12-year-old boy shot by police. Siderio’s race is not listed in any headlines and rarely in any stories. Why? Because race is only mentioned when the victim is black so police can be vilified as racists. This is done to amplify fallacious claims of white supremacy and systemic racism. This indoctrination has been successful, as a survey from Skeptic Research Center revealed people massively overestimated the number of black people killed each year by police officers.