Lying or Dementia: Biden Says 3 Incidents Didn’t Occur on Foreign Trip, But We Have the Devastating Video

Shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine, the media began to question his mental state. “Is Putin insane?” asked The Washington Post. A Vanity Fair article was entitled: “Report: An ‘Increasingly Frustrated’ Putin, a Madman With Nuclear Weapons, Is Lashing Out at His Inner Circle.” A headline in The Daily Mail read, “Is Putin suffering ‘delirium and confusion’ due to Long COVID?”

After President Joe Biden’s four disastrous days on the international stage, it’s become clear that Putin is not the one with the problem. And the world sees it.

“It’s not thuggish Vladimir Putin who is losing his marbles but doddery Joe Biden — and it could prove lethal,” The Daily Mail’s Dominic Lawson wrote in a Sunday editorial. “Unlike his murderous opposite number in Moscow, the words ‘frail, doddery and confused’ really do apply to the resident of the White House.”

Lawson continued, “If this were solely related to physical frailty in the 79-year-old Biden, it would not be much of an issue: The president who led the world’s greatest military power until almost the end of World War II, Franklin Roosevelt, was confined to a wheelchair.

“The issue of failing mental acuity is a much more serious one,” he concluded.

During a Monday news conference, Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked the President, “Are you worried that other leaders in the world are going to start to doubt that America is back if some of these big things that you say on the world stage keep getting walked back?”