Fertilizer, Drama, and The Great Reset: Why Massive Food Shortages Are Less Than a Year Away

Fertilizer The Great Reset

The primary goal of starting my new Substack, The Late Prepper, was to offer tips and create a forum through which people of different experience levels could share what they’ve learned along the way. In many ways it was self serving; I learn as much from the comments as I learn from anywhere else. The community is just getting started and it has already been extraordinarily useful. It has been a great blessing to me and my family.

I never intended it to be a place where I could share geopolitical news demonstrating why we all need to start or continue prepping, but recent emails have made me change my mind, even if just a little. There are still millions of Americans who are not taking the coming challenges seriously enough, so every now and then I’ll be posting articles that will hopefully invoke a sense of urgency. Like many, I’m late to the prepper game but there are far more people out there who do not yet appreciate how dire our situation really is.

There are three things that drive me to the belief that things will get far worse than they are today in American society. The first is the fertilizer crisis which I’ll allow Michael Snyder to detail below. The second is an incessant string of “dramas” that offer no moments of relief. I’m not referring to the frivolous dramas of the past surrounding celebrities that acted as distractions from real issues (though we saw that pop up again recently with the Will Smith slap). The dramas of today have real world consequences, whether it’s Pandemic Panic Theater, the war in Ukraine, or supply chain issues inexplicably being allowed to continue.

Today’s dramas have an impact on our lives and it seems there is an endless string of them hitting us anew with every news cycle.

The third driving factor is The Great Reset. It may very well be the overarching cause of everything else we’re seeing in the world. As the globalist elites push for inflation and a breakdown of the capitalistic system, we are nearly powerless to address these enemies directly. Their power and wealth makes them untouchable to the rest of us. Nothing short of divine intervention seems capable of halting their destructive machinations.

We are going to see food shortages at a massive scale unlike anything the vast majority of living Americans have ever experienced. It could cause a complete breakdown of society; as a people we are ill-prepared for true adversity on the home front at a scale like the one we face. There is already so much tension in this nation even though we still have an abundance of resources. How far south will Americans turn if there’s no food at the grocery store or if they can’t afford a gallon of gas?