Woke Ariz. diversity activists falsely accuse black DJ of wearing blackface

Two local diversity advocates in Arizona are taking heat after calling a school district racist for hiring a DJ to perform in blackface — but it turns out the DJ was black. 

Stuart Rhoden and Jill Lassen — who specialize in diversity, equity and inclusion — lambasted the Scottsdale Unified School District’s Hopi Elementary PTA for its decision to hire Kim Koko Hunter, 56, a local black DJ, at a charity event.

Both Rhoden and Lassen, who are involved in diversity work in the school district, slammed the school after seeing a picture of Hunter, only to later learn his race, according to the Arizona Daily Independent

“The DJ that the Hopi PTA hire[d] was, in fact a Black man,” Hopi PTA president Megan Livengood wrote in response to Lassen in a message obtained by the outlet. “It is insulting that you feel myself or PTA condone racist behavior or encourage it by posting on social media.”

DJ Kim Koko Hunter (second from right) and other people in costume attending event.
The school district hired Kim Koko Hunter for a charity event in Arizona.

According to the Independent, Lassen, a librarian, responded by saying: “You are right, we should’ve reached out and inquired before making such accusations. I cannot fathom the hurt, anger and frustration you felt after you and others volunteered countless hours on your event. Again I truly apologize.”

The DJ who was accused of doing blackface
The school district hired Kim Koko Hunter for a charity event in Arizona.
Kim Koko Hunter
Hunter played at the Hopi Elementary PTA’s “Hopi Night Fever” fundraiser on April 9.

But Rhoden, who is an instructor at Arizona State University, did not appear particularly apologetic and posted a side-by-side image of Hunter on Facebook to try to show that the DJ darkened his face even if he is black.

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