Banning CRT from Florida math textbooks is my pi in the sky agenda

R&I – KC

News item: The Florida Department of Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran announced the state will be banning 41% of math textbooks in Florida’s public schools because they are attempting to “indoctrinate students” by containing “prohibited topics,” such as critical race theory.

Gov. DeSantis hailed the state’s effort, accusing math textbook publishers of injecting “indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism,” into math textbooks in Florida, especially in elementary schools.

“I’m grateful that Commissioner Corcoran and his team at the Department have conducted such a thorough vetting of these textbooks to ensure they comply with the law,” DeSantis said.


Finally! It’s so comforting to see that Florida is taking the lead in exposing how the teaching of mathematics promotes white guilt.

It takes a real leader of uncommon, and almost hallucinogenic, vision to see the insidious way that critical race theory has infected math.

For example, we have stood by for years and done nothing while millions of white Florida high school students have been forced to learn to integrate in calculus class.

There’s even a math symbol for “integration,” which clearly violates the new Florida law that forbids education that makes white kids feel “feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress” based on race.

Stop the forced integration classes in high school calculus. Our precious white children are feeling uncomfortable with the historical echoes.

And it’s about time that we here in Florida can finally demand that Florida’s math classes stress the feel-good importance of “separate but equal” as the guiding philosophy for balancing equations.

Just like the Plessy v. Ferguson case before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1896 that held it was OK to segregate Black people in public accommodations, such as railroad cars (a practice first done in Florida), it’s OK to move around pieces of equations, as long as you make both sides of the equation separate but equal.

of the equal sign as the railroad tracks, with one side of the equation being the white part of town and the other side of the equation the Black side.

Under this new edict to erase America’s racial sins, or turn them into virtues, Florida’s math classes can pave the way for now-unconstitutional separate-but-equal laws to be viewed more benevolently as we go forward.

And let’s admit that the “woke” ideology of Florida’s elementary school teachers, when they’re not trying to impose the gay lifestyle in kindergarten art class – Enough with the colored crayons! – is leading them to introduce division to the most impressionable young minds.

Mike Rodick

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