CNN Poll Smacks Democrats With Harsh Reality Check About Roe v Wade, Midterms

Brodigan May 07, 2022

When “someone” (::cough::a leftist clerk::cough) leaked a majority SCOTUS opinion that overrules Roe v Wade, liberals thought it was going to skyrocket them to midterm victory. Sixteen months living under Joe Biden’s incompetence had soured voters on Democrats. But taking away a woman’s right to abort a child whenever she wants in some states? That was going to convince people to turn on Republicans and vote against their best interests by reelecting Democrats. CNN released a new poll that can be summed up in one word: nope.

Registered voters who say they are extremely or very enthusiastic about voting this fall are up six points. BUT among Republicans, it’s 56% who are enthusiastic. It’s only 43% for Democrats. And voters who say they are happy as opposed to being angry over a Roe v Wade overturn? 38% of those extremely enthusiastic to vote are HAPPY. Only 20% are angry, shrill, and bitter. All of a sudden, it makes sense why companies are being advised NOT to speak out.